“A Bad Man is Hard to Blind” by Kate Hush
Founded to support historically marginalized craftspeople in the neon trade, She Bends is dedicated to building a more equitable future for neon art through public education, curatorial projects, and artist programs that foster diversity and sustainability.
These program push the boundaries of the neon medium beyond commercial signage into the realm of fine art.
Upcoming exhibitions
press highlight
“But by paying the artists for their time and materials, She Bends and the museum have helped these artists overcome these barriers. For instance, thanks to the residency, Melendez and her student Baker, who has an MFA from Tyler, got to experiment with pricey black-light and cobalt glasses.
“In the last 5-10 years, as younger, more diverse artists get their hands on this material, the art form evolves,” Issel said. “The concepts being expressed, the way the material is used, the way it’s talked about, the way it’s taught — that all changes when more people have access to it and want to pass it on.””
recent exhibitions
Redefining Neon Legacy features artists of historically under-represented communities in neon alongside the women who taught them, and explores how the evolution of teaching methodologies over the past two decades has affected neon as a process-driven fine art form.
Image credit: Victoria Ahmadizadeh Melendez, “a quiet life, a couple of time over” 2022