Browse our picks of video resources that includes instructional material, artist panel discussions, and other resources for artists. We love aggregated content from our community - if you have a how to video to share, please reach out!
DACO Training Video
How-to instructional video covering the tools, equipment, and methods used to create neon signs and/or artwork. Created by the now defunct Daco Neon Equipment Company.
how to double back
Caroline LaCava shows us how to double-back in her typical sassy fashion
Featuring She Bends artists participating in Pittsburgh Glass Center’s exhibition, “LIT”, curated by Percy Echols. A special presentation in honor of Women’s History Month
Deyoung museum
She Bends presents the trailer for “Of Luminescence”, a film by She Bends artist & filmmaker, Jess Krichelle and hosts conversation with artists Kacie Lees, Sarah Blood, Teresa Escobar, and Kate Hush.