Double-back bends by Caroline LaCava

Hello lovelies!  We hope you enjoy Caroline's cheeky delivery of this "how to" for double back.  Here are some key takeaways for double backs if you are struggling:

It's all about turning radius!  If you don't give the glass enough space to make the turn, it will never work.  When trying to get your car into a parking spot, you never enter the spot when your right up against it, do you?  No!  You go wide before the hard turn.  It's the same thing here!  Downward pressures on the glass before the turn help to settle the glass in place with gravity before you bring both ends up. 

Come out of the fire nice and tall, with the bend in front of your face in order to watch your center marking closely and supervise your air puff.  If you aren't staring up and down, gravity will take your glass where you don't want it to!

You should be able to tell that your center mark will hit center before you finish out the bend.  You can push pull or wiggle the glass to adjust your markings so that center lines up.  Always be watching!

*Always* do double-backs WITH gravity and not against (it should be a U, always!)

It's less of a huge arm movement than it is an elbow and wrist thing.  

Remember, you are in control. 

Meryl Pataky